Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Copy Change Poem - Sweet Like a Crow

Your voice sounds like a pitiful wolf
howling at the moon
like a horse in it's dying moments
like thunder growling in the night
like a screaming kettle, like a school teacher
writing on a black board, like an electric sharpener,
like a window being shattered
a child being slapped
a stereo at full volume
Like a little boy crying in the dark,
like a toad croaking at night
like an oak tree being cut down,
an angry crow, a baby girl
with a needle in her arm
like a school being bulldozed
like a candle blown out
like the sound I heard when studying for an exam
and someone walked through my room in high heels.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Copy Change Poem - "Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost

Whose woods these are I think I know.
He lives above where no trees grow;

On big white clouds his castle lies
Watching down on the world below.

From deep within come piercing cries
And all happiness inside me dies

I take a step into the gloom
And all around me dark trees rise.

It seems a though I'm in a tomb
The devil's toxic, writhing womb

Beneath my feet I feel a tremor
The demon wishing to consume.

But I have got no firepower
Trapped inside this painful blur,

Running through these woods forever,
Running through these woods forever.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Copy Changed Poem

so much depends

a paper

gliding through a

of pulsing

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Independant Inquiry Project - Diary Entry

Entry by: Sally
Scene: When Sally and Katherine are captured. 

Day two in captivity
Year 2127

We are trapped in a horribly dark, putrid dungeon. My tears dried up long ago, nothing more will come out, so I sit here, helpless, and wait for death. You would never imagine the toll it takes on your mind to be surrounded blackness for so long, with no food or water. The only time we are able to see is when those loathsome, sick people come in and torture us to the point where agony that racks our bodies and our minds. They started with Katherine - my turn will come soon. I had to watch them destroy her, for all I could do was watch. It fills me with a wild anger that envelops my mind until I can't see straight anymore. They've mutilated her body with the hot irons, and her feet... it's too painful to describe. They will do the same to me and eventually I will break too. Katherine has confessed to it all, and so I have confirmed it. They know about our powers, and David and Rosalind, and Petra. They asked more questions but I fed them lies. Forgive us, friends, we are not strong enough...we have failed you. 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Independent Inquiry Project - Soundtrack to a Scene

Not Falling Apart - Maroon 5

I feel this song almost perfectly captures the scene when Sophie leaves. I would start the song right after Mrs. Wender says: "We'll never forget,". The song would play during the night while David stays at Sophie's house and fade out as he's walking home, just before he enters his house. I chose this song because the lyrics explain David's feelings in the scene. In the first verse, "Danced all night" represents how they played together and had fun all the time, and "Fearless when it comes to playing games" represents how they were fearless as they did dangerous things, like sliding down that sandy runnel at the beginning of the book. "Afraid to have a love affair" represents how they can't be together for fear of Sophie's deviation being found out about. The chorus "Now I can't walk, I can't talk since you walked out the door" explains David's feelings after they leave, and "Now I'm stuck living out that night again" represents the memory of spending that night in their house that will never leave his mind.
This song provides people with a deeper insight into David's mind so they fully understand how he is affected, makes it easier for them to put themselves in David's shoes, and strengthens the emotional link between the reader/viewer and the character.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Proverb Poem

"You want weapons? We're in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world!"

-The Doctor

Books are fountains,
Knowledge flowing,
So powerful,
Yet ignored,
Each word a weapon,
Fighting injustice.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


        Falling off a long-board is not the funnest experience. Especially if it happens on the morning of an important day. Not only did we have a presentation that morning, but it was my mom's birthday. The presentation was for a product idea we had made for a short program in grade 7 that we were doing on business. We were to present the operating system we had created called "Wall". Though I wasn't very excited - for obvious reasons - I was a little antsy. On a regular morning, I would walk down to the school bus stop which was about 30 seconds away from my house. But this time, I was taking my new long-board to school, and instead of walking, I was happily riding it down to the bus stop.

        I casually arrive at the bus stop and as soon as my friend sees me, he demands where my shirt and pants are. In a face-palm moment, I look down at my shorts and hoodie and think: "Aw crap!" We were supposed to dress in a white shirt and pants for the presentation. I hastily beg the bus driver to wait a few more minutes and as soon as he says OK, I jump on my long-board and race back to my house. As I push as hard as I can up the road, my foot gets a little to close to the board and the wheel rolls into it. Before I know it I'm flying off the ground and I land chin first on the ground. 

        Surprisingly I feel no pain, only my palms sting a little, so I get back up and dust myself off. As I'm about to get back on my long-board, my neighbor calls from across the street and asks if I'm OK. I say I am and push off once more. I arrive at my house and open the door and shouting up to my mom that I forgot that I'm supposed to wear a shirt and pants, but midway through speaking, I stop short. Shocked, I stare at the bloody mess across the bottom of my chin. Utterly dumbfounded, I stupidly call up to my mom: "Mum, I think you might have to drive me to school," as she appears at the top of the stairs. "Oh my god Miraal!" she cries as she sees me.

        I beg and beg my mom not to take me to the hospital, convincing her and myself that I'm perfectly fine. I hate hospitals. The smell of it, the look of it, everything about the hospital makes me want to run away as fast as I can and never look back. When I finally hope that I may have convinced her, my mom calls our neighbor over (the same one who had seen me fall) and she concludes that I do have to go to the hospital. So heart thumping, mind racing, I sit in the car as my mom drives me to the emergency room. We talk to the  receptionist and then take a seat in the waiting room. I'm already anxious and shaky, but my mom has to top it off by talking to man next to us who explains that he has a cut the size of a pinprick and how it has gotten so infected that he has to come in and get... I have no idea, because by that time I had zoned out, even more afraid than before. Just then, my name is called and we get up and follow the nurse.

        I enter a small room and the doctor instructs me to lie down on the bed. The doctor places a surgical bib under my chin and then leaves the room to get some equipment. I need 5 stitches. Time passes agonizingly slowly as I wait. When she comes back she takes out a needle and my heart stops as she gives me the injection in my chin. Next she takes out a needle and some sort of thread that dissolves over time. I close my eyes as she starts to stitch me up, and although I don't feel any pain, I feel the thread pulling and tugging under my skin. It felt horrible and unnatural. When it was finally over, a pad was taped over the cut and I left the hospital with antibiotic pills which I am told to take 2 of everyday. For the next few weeks I have to stay inside the classroom during lunch, not able to do anything but watch my friend play on his Nintendo DS and take my pills. After my chin had healed, my mom constantly reminded me of the amazing birthday gift I had given her - a trip to the hospital to have her son get stitches. Before I had fallen I had loved my long board. But now I just didn't love it as much, and since then, I've always gotten a bit nervous whenever I've used it. Although it wasn't the funnest experience, at least I'll never forget the presentation I missed, and the birthday I ruined, all because of a white shirt an pants.