Sunday, February 24, 2013

Independant Inquiry Project - Diary Entry

Entry by: Sally
Scene: When Sally and Katherine are captured. 

Day two in captivity
Year 2127

We are trapped in a horribly dark, putrid dungeon. My tears dried up long ago, nothing more will come out, so I sit here, helpless, and wait for death. You would never imagine the toll it takes on your mind to be surrounded blackness for so long, with no food or water. The only time we are able to see is when those loathsome, sick people come in and torture us to the point where agony that racks our bodies and our minds. They started with Katherine - my turn will come soon. I had to watch them destroy her, for all I could do was watch. It fills me with a wild anger that envelops my mind until I can't see straight anymore. They've mutilated her body with the hot irons, and her feet... it's too painful to describe. They will do the same to me and eventually I will break too. Katherine has confessed to it all, and so I have confirmed it. They know about our powers, and David and Rosalind, and Petra. They asked more questions but I fed them lies. Forgive us, friends, we are not strong enough...we have failed you. 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Independent Inquiry Project - Soundtrack to a Scene

Not Falling Apart - Maroon 5

I feel this song almost perfectly captures the scene when Sophie leaves. I would start the song right after Mrs. Wender says: "We'll never forget,". The song would play during the night while David stays at Sophie's house and fade out as he's walking home, just before he enters his house. I chose this song because the lyrics explain David's feelings in the scene. In the first verse, "Danced all night" represents how they played together and had fun all the time, and "Fearless when it comes to playing games" represents how they were fearless as they did dangerous things, like sliding down that sandy runnel at the beginning of the book. "Afraid to have a love affair" represents how they can't be together for fear of Sophie's deviation being found out about. The chorus "Now I can't walk, I can't talk since you walked out the door" explains David's feelings after they leave, and "Now I'm stuck living out that night again" represents the memory of spending that night in their house that will never leave his mind.
This song provides people with a deeper insight into David's mind so they fully understand how he is affected, makes it easier for them to put themselves in David's shoes, and strengthens the emotional link between the reader/viewer and the character.